execution is everything
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Of course I'm doing everything chronologically again [EDIT: - irrelevant]
I've thought of so many exciting topics to journal about, but I keep breaking off these topics and starting again with this one.
Just go for it - don't talk, DO IT!
Apparently my head is just so caught up in theory and its own chronology that this topic keeps coming up on its own. But this actually helps me to really tackle the journal and see it through, because even the best ideas and theories are simply useless without the right implementation. [IDEA: - perhaps phrased a little more gently?]
I often get to the point of starting private projects that, if I don't discipline myself, sit around for too long - but in the end they are worth it and each time you learn a little more about your art and craft, which of course helps immensely for future projects and to help clients with their challenges. I always have to remind myself of that.
How many times have you gotten to the point of trying to make the best of a difficult situation (or let's call it a problem) - difficult footage - and you end up there ... stressed ... with “Fix in Post”.
It'll be fine. Yeah, yeah. It really will, but it could be more relaxed.
But how about better preparation? Better pre-production and really taking the time to do it? 2023 was the year in which I really took this seriously and my work was elevated to a new level as a result.
It's worth planning. It's worth seriously going through and preparing for all situations.
It's worth it - quite simply.
The result: time saved, nerves kept and a professional project.
We filmmakers and directors, especially creative ones, love chaos and get used to it. But chaos is also an integral part of order - and chaos, in other words, is simply potential that needs to be channeled and focused in order to achieve and perhaps even exceed a clear goal.
Shot lists, storyboards, mood boards, scouting and a clear exchange of expectations and goals.
These are all points that should never be neglected. [EDIT: - NEVER]
Scouting is particularly important to me personally, even if it seems the weakest compared to all the other points. But this is where the fallacy lies, because a good team works wonders and makes dreams come true that you couldn't achieve on your own without each other. Also, harmony on set is one of the most important things for me - storyboards and shot lists make you feel like you're making progress, but together it just works better and you can overcome bigger challenges in less time.
I am a fan of clear task distribution and efficiency.
Everything has its place and its function - everything is under control.
Pre-production takes away my fears and can ensure that post-production is really, really fun. Especially when you see that your ideas work in reality and are sometimes even unexpectedly better than in your imagination.
In the end it's all about the right positioning, but that will be a separate topic - because I'm tired, my eyes are closing and I need a break.
I went to a 14-hour Lord of the Rings marathon yesterday, thats why i am tired.
It's a must-do. Hehe.